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Former LHC CJP Ameer Bhatti

However, In a significant development former judge Shahid Jameel on

Wednesday accused the LHC CJP Ameer Bhatti of misusing his "clandestine power" to gain (albeit in politics) recognition for his son-in-law. The narrative has generated widespread controversy and litigation in Pakistan by challenging the ethical behaviour of institutionally established judicial bodies, invoking alarms for rash abuse.

Jameel had claimed that the then Chief Justice (CJP) Lahore High Court, Bhatti had got a promotion through Kith and kin employment placing son-in-law of CJ at political wing_publisher answering it as "Superfluous Employment". Such claims point to an obvious conflict of interest and corruption where the judge seems to have used his judicial office for personal/familial gain. The trust of the people in judicial independence is dependent upon a public expectation that judges will not be swayed by partisan interests and reasonably base their decisions on general principles concerning impartiality, declared the state supreme court.

In a recent interview, Jameel has levied allegations of some specifics about how Justice Bhatti favoured someone and also tried to influence him. He says that Bhatti helped his son-in-law get favours in political circles and also took advantage from decisions, which could have been perhaps influenced by his judicial authority. A twisted tale of nepotistic behaviour and backstage manipulation within the temples of justice.

The answers to these charges was presented in all the ways publicly as well. This led to several political commentators and legal experts expressing deep fears. They argue that one need not have an insinuation of judicial misdeeds and every such hint should be probed to restore confidence in our courts. According to them, transparency and accountability is vital in retaining the confidence of the public on justice.

On the contrary step were taken by some backers of Justice Bhatti saying that such Peruse are baseless and they alleged it is a political theory behind all this. The promoters say Bhatti has held the office of Chief Justice with honesty and rule of law was his commitment. They feel that the claims of Jameel are a smear campaign against Bhatti and should not be taken as Gospel.

The controversy is symptomatic of a larger issue, the relationship between politics and judiciary in Pakistan. This accusation further reinforces the belief that judiciary itself is something which can be twisted in politics. There is a need for the legal profession to maintain ethical baseline, and judicial offices be kept away from personal or political salvage.

That is a discussion for another live chat, if one were to arise - but in light of these allegations and the conversation it has sparkedthis desire for an objective investigation seems more pertinent than ever. To dust off and expose those inagency behind independent functioning once again it is not only a challange for judges but need to put all these questions on the top of house roof when trust as public must have cracks many time, It will be imperative that judiciary should make amends sooner than later.