Islamabad high court statement about Child marriage

 Islamabad High Court's Landmark Judgement: A Monumental Step Against Child Marriage

In a historic and commendable move, the Islamabad High Court has delivered a landmark judgment that reaffirms the protection of children's rights and sets a powerful precedent against the practice of child marriage. This judgment is not just a victory for legal reform but a significant leap towards ensuring the well-being and future of countless young girls and boys in Pakistan.

The Judgement: A Detailed Insight

The Islamabad High Court has ruled unequivocally that any marriage involving children under the age of 18 is illegal and unconstitutional. This ruling aligns with international conventions and the constitutional rights of children, reinforcing Pakistan's commitment to safeguarding its young citizens from the perils of early marriage. The court emphasized that child marriage violates fundamental human rights, impedes education, and subjects minors to a lifetime of physical and emotional hardships.

  Implications for Society

This monumental decision by the Islamabad High Court will have far-reaching implications. By criminalizing child marriage, the court has taken a decisive stand to protect children from exploitation and abuse. The ruling not only prevents minors from being forced into marriage but also ensures they have the opportunity to pursue education and personal development. This judgment will help break the cycle of poverty and illiteracy that often accompanies child marriage, empowering future generations to build a brighter and more prosperous Pakistan.

    A Step Towards Gender Equality

Child marriage disproportionately affects girls, often robbing them of their childhood and opportunities. The Islamabad High Court’s decision is a significant step towards gender equality, ensuring that young girls are given the same opportunities for education and growth as boys. By outlawing child marriage, the court has opened the door for greater female participation in education and the workforce, which is essential for the country's socio-economic development.

    Global Significance

This ruling places Pakistan on the global stage as a leader in the fight against child marriage. It aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, particularly Goal 5, which aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. The Islamabad High Court’s decision is a beacon of hope and a model for other countries struggling with the issue of child marriage.

     Call to Action

While the court's judgment is a monumental step forward, the implementation of this ruling requires concerted efforts from all sectors of society. Government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and civil society must work together to ensure the enforcement of this law. Public awareness campaigns and education programs are essential to change societal attitudes towards child marriage and to support families in understanding the benefits of delaying marriage until adulthood.


The Islamabad High Court's landmark judgment against child marriage is a cause for celebration and a monumental victory for children's rights in Pakistan. This ruling not only protects the legal rights of minors but also paves the way for a brighter, more equitable future. It is a decisive step towards ending child marriage, ensuring that every child in Pakistan can enjoy a childhood free from exploitation and full of opportunities for growth and development. Let us celebrate this historic decision and commit to building a society where every child can thrive.


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