Ahmad farhad missing case

Where is Ahmad Farhad? 

Pakistan's poet Farhad has been absent for a week; his case is puzzling. His family holds Pakistan's spy service accountable. He's not being held, the administration claims. He must now be located this week, per the court. Does Ahmad Farhad exist somewhere?   The mysterious case of Pakistan's missing poet   Pakistan's poet Farhad has been absent for a week; his case is puzzling. His family holds Pakistan's spy service accountable. He's not being held, the administration claims. He must now be located this week, per the court.    

Ahmed's wife's statement:  

Syeda Rooj Zainab, Ahmad Farhad's spouse, Pakistan's Islamabad A poet who vanished. A family in need. a strong defensive system. and a court attempting to administer justice by interpreting contradictory allegations. These constituents comprise a case that has captured Pakistan's interest this week.  

  Islamabad Pakistan: 

The family of journalist Ahmad Farhad filed a petition with the Islamabad High Court (IHC) shortly after he vanished on May 14. They claimed that Ahmad had been "disappeared" from outside his home in Islamabad by the nation's most potent spy agency, Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), for criticizing the government. According to Pakistan's authorities, Farhad is not in the ISI's custody. However, the court ordered on Tuesday that Farhad be produced by security personnel in four days.  

 What has the court said so                        far?  

 Farhad is not in the ISI's custody, according to the Pakistani authorities. However, the court issued a warning on Tuesday, stating that if security forces did not bring Farhad within four days, it would call high government officials in for questioning. In other words, who is Farhad, how did he disappear, why is the court getting involved, what has the court said, and what is Farhad's family saying?  

  Who is Ahmad Farhad?   

Ahmad Farhad: Who is he? Previously employed by a number of media organizations, including Bol News, Farhad most recently worked as a freelance journalist, covering the ongoing anti-government protests in Pakistan-administered Kashmir on a regular basis. Originating from Pakistan-administered Kashmir's Bagh area, the 38-year-old is also well-known for his scathing criticism of the nation's dominant establishment—a term he uses with euphemism.  

 Farhad denied Pakistan Tareek-e-Insaaf various                         charges:

 The former prime minister Imran Khan's party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), is currently imprisoned on various charges that he denies. His wife, Syeda Urooj Zainab, told Al Jazeera that her husband had claimed he was under pressure from government agencies for several months because of his perceived support for the PTI. Following Khan's detention as prime minister, the Pakistani government and military accuse Khan's supporters of planning a violent attack on state institutions in May 2023. 

According to Zainab, 

her spouse was more devoted to human rights than any political party. Regardless of membership, my spouse has always supported human rights. When the authorities put pressure on the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PMLN), he used to demonstrate in their favor. and he has not bowed to compromise his morals," she continued. The political party of both the present prime minister, Shehbaz Sharif, and his elder brother, Nawaz Sharif, who has served as prime minister three times, is the PMLN.  
        The PTI under Khan has accused security forces of doing the same since 2022, while the PMLN, when it was in opposition and the PTI was in power between 2018 and 2022, accused the military of clamping down on it. The military has already dismissed the PMLN's accusations and contradicted the PTI's claims.           Ahmad Farhad is missing today.   Late on Tuesday night, Zainab claims that her spouse of six years was making his way home from supper when he was seized by four guys outside the house's gate and forced into a car. "It was after midnight on May 15th when four men dressed in dark colors shoved him into a large four-wheel-drive car, and they all drove off," she added, adding that three additional cars were included in the group. 
             Because of his political comments and reporting on the issues in Pakistan-administered Kashmir, Zainab claims her husband warned her about potential threats to his life. He had informed me that, as a result of his observations about events in his hometown, he felt instinctively that his life may be in danger. She added, "But he made it quite evident that he believed the establishment had been pursuing him for a while. She further stated that two days following the purported kidnapping.

 Farhad,s  statement:   

Farhad asked her to withdraw her court petition in exchange for his recovery when he messaged her on WhatsApp. He was clearly under pressure to convey the message, as I could tell. He would go back home; he requested that I rescind my petition. She said, "He also stated that he is away on private business, but it was obviously a forced remark. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), a well-known human rights organization in the nation, has denounced Farhad's disappearance and called for his immediate release.  

What is the court's current                  statement?

 During the Monday session, the court issued an order to the police to locate the fugitive poet immediately, threatening to call the defense secretary before it instead.   Police investigation    Along with instructing the police to "investigate the allegations with reference to the officials of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) by recording the statements of officials," the court also gave formal orders to the police on Monday. The government needs to alter the public's opinion of state organizations that are accused of kidnapping people, according to Mohsin Akhtar Kayani, the IHC judge overseeing the case.    On Monday, however, a representative of the defense ministry told the court that Farhad is not being detained by the ISI. Asserting that the intelligence agency was not holding Farhad captive, Additional Attorney General Munawar Iqbal, speaking on behalf of the government, told the court on Monday that he would be located shortly. The court had already declared that it would call the prime minister if state officials were unable to locate the missing poet. The military and security services of Pakistan are accused of planning the kidnappings of politicians and opponents, and the nation has a troubled past with enforced disappearances.


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