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August 04, 2024

Sher Afzal Marwat

Sher Afzal Marwat: How PTI's internal dynamics changed after his expulsion:

ISLAMABAD: The expulsion of Sher Afzal Marwat from the ranks Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has created a stir in national politics. Marwat's exit, given he is a significant figure in the party structure reeks of major change within PTI fold which calls into question the internal dynamics,so called"Party Discipline", and broader ramifications for Pakistan politics.

Personal Information of Sher Afzal Marwat:

The seasoned lawyer and politician, Sher Afzal Marwat was considered a prominent member of PTI due to his legal prowess backed with vocal presence. He fought different legal cases and was considered as a loyalist to PTI ideology. Associating with PTI was not just a political alignment but identification and acceptance of proclamation ploys on the ground.

The Eviction: 

There Goes The NeighborhoodAnother rarely acknowledged strategy by which the white US/COS has maneuvered into ghettoization, while maintaining an uncaring facade with respect to "liability" and other implications of moving poor people around so often who are disproportionately black.

Many were taken by surprise at the decision to oust Marwat. The PTI leadership explained this away by saying that Sheikh had committed 'anti-party activities' and was damaging party unity. But the details of what these buy-backs entail, have not been disclosed by mail to people living in Chalkhill Crescent and Sugden Road.

It is pertinent to mention that PTI has been strict against its members earlier too. The party is known for its enforcement of discipline, and there are fewer internal divisions than in most other Pakistani parties. But the expulsion of a more high-profile figure like Marwat has brought these issues into sharper focus, illustrating PTI's dilemma between internal democracy and party discipline.

Sandeep Wathravalkar, director of Product Management for Cloud Security at Qualys "Naturally, the reaction we are reading everywhere is about how Equifax has either not prioritized or dismissed these critical security best practices and its compliance obligations.

The expulsion has created a ripple effect inside and outside the party. Marwat's supporters have been disappointed with the decision, arguing that Marwat has rendered precious services to party. They argue that internal differences of opinion should be resolved through talks instead of punitive action.

However, the leadership of PTI justifies that in such a volatile political landscape as Pakistan, party discipline is very important. They insist the opposition dissenting voices being allowed to chip away at party coherence could undermine PTI's strength in government and public perception of its functioning.

The ouster also poses questions about PTI's future course. PTI, as a party which sells itself as an icon of change and accountability will be closely watched on how it deals with internal disputes. Supporters of the party have high hope for transparency and fairness all this while due to PTI itself was born on such grounds.

Wider Political Context:

Certainly, Marwat's dismissal takes place in the greater context of Pakistani politics. The UN Mission in the republic is also focused on a number of other pressing issues, from economic instability to security concerns. Under this condition, parties should present united in front to deal with these issues effectively.

It is a difficult situation for the PTI, in power and needing to perform; it must deliver on its promises but governing Pakistan comprehensively given its myriad issues and structural defects is challenging. This could be interpreted as a power grab in service of unity to keep the party on target, and expelling key figures such as Marwat. But it also risks angering parts of its own coalition and sowing internal discord.


The Sher Afzal Marwat expulsion from PTI is an issue that will go a long way in the Pakistan political landscape and it has set a precedence. It reflects the difficulties that PTI has to cope with in maintaining its internal harmony while dealing with realities of governing. PTI will have to find the right balance between PTs disciplinary needs and transparency / accountability values as events play out.

The future remains unclear for Marwat. His next move may see him join another political party or possibly even a career out of the political arena. Nonetheless, his exit as the symbol of change from PTI signals the end of an old chapter and beginning of a new era in Pakistan's fluid political storyline.

July 27, 2024

Hafiz Naeem threatens the government of intense protests

Hafiz Naeem threatens the government of intense protests if this is practiced as "fascist tactics".

KARACHI: Hitting out at what he described as 'fascist tactics' of the government, Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman, leader of Jamaat-e-Islami's Karachi chapter said in a statement that was set to send ripples across Pakistan's political landscape. His comments come amid growing public anger and official pressure, over accusations of government abuse of power and infringement on basic freedoms.

Naeem was speaking at a press conference in Karachi where he attacked the government for its handling of protests and civil unrest.

He said the authorities have used "repressive tactics" against opposition voices and violated the democratic rights of citizens. The enshrined fundamental Rights in the constitution are being eroded away through fascist regimes tactics: Naeem

Naeem further warned that if the government did not change its policies, Jamaat-e-Islami and our supporters were capable of expanding protests. He added that the party would continue with its peaceful demonstrations, however they will step up their campaign if the government continued to adopt an authoritarian attitude. "Attempts to silence us by means of brute force is unacceptable," said Naeem, whose party will continue its struggle for justice and democratic attitudes.

It does so are calling Naeem uses the term fascist tactics, as well, which bares especially heavy connotation in light of the vast history fascism wrapping their grips around nations with power hinging on fear and totalitarianism. In this language, we see Naeem drawing our attention to the rather frightening similarities between a past of totalitarian regimes and what he perceives as strategies employed by the present government. He cited reports of protests met with excessive force, arbitrary detentions and severe curbs on free expression in recent incidents as proof that these tactics are being employed.

A feeling which have found support among the disgruntled many that irked by present governance. Public sentiment -already taut from economic woes, police brutality and other scourges- is getting more stirred up as civil rights come into play. Many view the increased outcry for protests as a valid reaction to demanding accountability and maintaining democratic values.But the government has held its ground. Officials have said their actions were necessary to keep the peace, especially in light of large protests that they say has been unruly and given rise to instances of violence.

They say the steps taken are legal and necessary to protect public safety. 

Yet that rationale has done little to soothe an outcry by opposition parties and parts of the public in a country polarized along ethnic lines.

The political temperature in Pakistan is soaring due to a highly polarized environment, with Hafiz Naeem's warning adding more fire using his statement. It is feared that the increased eruption of rage from these protests indicates less stability, and more clashes between law enforcement in an updated campaign strategy.

How the political discourse will evolve, and how public attitudes could also change, depends to a large extent on what measures the government takes from here after receiving these warnings.In short, the warning of Hafiz Naeem-ur-Rehman to government expose increasing abyss in political arena from Pakistan. It was an accusation of ‘fascist tactics’ that is not only a critique for the way dissent has been handled by this government, but also one which provides those who are fighting to have democratic rights and freedoms defended.

As the government and the opposition prepare themselves for a bumpy few days, however, calls to step up protests point both to democratic principles as well as order.

July 25, 2024

39 MNAs notified as PTI members

ISLAMABAD: After a trailblazing judgment by the Supreme Court of Pakistan, the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) has officially notified 39 Members National Assembly (MNAs) as representatives affiliated with Gone Nawaz GOne )led ruling alliance.. In what is a highly political move, this decision has major implications for the country as it will give rise to enormous change on its national landscape.

The judgement was on the pending matter of disqualification cases against certain PTI parliamentarians involved in various election related matters. That ruling was viewed as a key test for the independence of Pakistan's judiciary and its adherence to democratic principles. Therefore, they were reinstated as MNAs by the court further vindicating them of being legitimate representatives and reflectors for their constituencies preserving democracy that elected them.

The ECP issued a notification which is official confirmation of the decision taken by SC and in practical terms it affects PTI’s position in National Assembly. Now, once they were also recognized amongst 39 MPAs this would have further expanded PTI clout in the National Assembly offering them a lead in how laws are executed and weight within it. The most recent development could not have come at a worse time for PTI, which is struggling to cope up with issues ranging from internal party dynamics to external political pressures.

The reinstatement of these MNAs is also a reflection on wider political dynamics in Pakistan where the judicial decisions often play domineering role into shaping up whole new outlook in politics. The PTI, which is led by former Prime Minister Imran Khan, has long sought a higher degree of independence and transparency in Pakistan's judicial system. This is the result which also reflects a validation to some extent of PTI's narrative on legal and electoral sanctity. It could also help to reinforce the party's narrative of being at the receiving end of political conspiracies seeking to thwart its electoral prospects.

But the road, as they say, ahead is not smooth. The MNAs as they are reinstated will have to navigate a highly politicised environment, with longstanding rivalries and the threat of political machinations by opposition parties. The PTI also needs to buckle up on internal unity and implementation of its legislative programme in order that it reflects the overriding vision shared with general public. This served as an opportunity for the PTI to strengthen its Political position and re-assert that they are ready to govern with enthusiasm.

This is also more than a procedural formality — it sends an important signal about the future of democratic processes and rule-of-law in Pakistan. It highlighted the importance of judicial independence and urged election bodies to follow legal judgments. This restores some hope for the electorate that their votes carry weight, and responsive critism forces our elected to follow due process laws.

The ECP notifying 39 MNAs as PTI members after supreme court's verdict is definitely a game changer in the political scene of pakistan. It not only broadens the parliamentary base of PTI but is also an affirmation that judiciary and electoral bodies will enforce democratic norms. The coming months will show how PTI makes use of this new development and those MNAs take their seats in the National Assembly in addition to overcoming a slew of challenges confronting nation.

July 21, 2024

Imran Khan rare interview with UK publication


Imran Khan shifted from successful career as cricket superstar to a significant political player who has always been a polarizing figure in Pakistani politics. He was premier from 2018 to 2022, taking on corruption, improving governance and striving to build a national economy. Despite his program of reform, Khan's government had numerous setbacks including economic difficulties and persistent political opposition. Removal from office brought a series of legal battles, concluding with his arrest a short while ago.

Describing to have spent 108 days in custody, Khan lamented the abominable conditions under which he was confined--comparable with those used only for terrorists. He was alone in a narrow, cramped cell with few amenities he emphasized this is designed to sap his morale. Both unfair and constituting a further strategy for stifling dissent in Pakistan, he claims. His vivid description of the cell and the impact of such confinement on his mind point up once more how political captives are being treated here.

His story also reflects the troubled relationship that exists between Pakistan's judiciary and political figures. In the past, legal cases have often been used as instruments for political ends. Khan himself has made this observation abundantly clear. Supporters point out that his present predicament is merely a continuation of this trend, the legal system being manipulated to silence a prominent opposition voice.The interview also turns to the broader implications of Khan's arrest Have we reached a turning point in Pakistan's political future? 

His predicament has drawn protests and vigorous support from followers who feel he acts as a symbol for their struggle against corruption and exploitation. The international attention his arrest and subsequent claim has received may well help mount pressure on the Pakistani government to respond to complaints about judicial fairness and human rights Khan's reflections in the interview reach beyond present-day political conditions and underline an abiding predicament confronting political leaders in Pakistan, a country experience of coups, assassinations, intense political instability. 

All of this brings home to the former prime minister that is political life in Pakistan provides no comfortable base from which to operate

As the world looks on, revelations from Imran Khan are set shake things up for discussion and examination both at home in Pakistan and internationally. His interview exposes not only the hardships he has faced but prompts key questions about right and wrong, government ways and what the future holds for democracy in Pakistan.

July 19, 2024

Govt seeks to ‘bury resurrected’ PTI

Wants To Put Black Mark on PTI's Resurrected Face: And a Political Clash

However, in a development everyone had been expecting for months now the Pakistani government has stepped its efforts to break apart by one of its main rivals, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) headed up former Prime Minister Imran Khan. Under pressure from PTI's resurgence, the ruling coalition has adopted a three-tier strategy to muzzle the opposition and strengthen its hold on power in run-up to next general elections.
Imran khan fine: PTI, a once-mighty party in Pakistani politics and that has lived through series of reversals since Imran Khan was ousted by opposition no-confidence motion in April 2022. During this time, the party was beset by internal divisions, legal wrangles and falling public support. Yet public support for the party has staged a surprise recovery in recent months, largely thanks to Khan's confident leadership and an aggressive new campaign on the streets.
The government, in turn, has resorted to an unusually aggressive strategy involving legal stratagem, administrative crackdowns and curbs on the media. 
PTI leaders, including Imran Khan, face a series of cases from corruption to incitement against them. Critics see these legal encumbrances as efforts to tie up PTI's leadership, so that they will not be able mobilize their followers effectively.
In addition, the government has also mounted pressure on media to keep PTI narrative out of public domain. Many news channels as well as several social media platforms have reported that there are restrictions and at some places censorship on grounds that the party needs to be stopped from raising its voice. 

The media blackout has led to widespread concerns about repression of freedom of the press and transparency compromised in France's political process.The government has also taken special administrative measures to curb the network of Imamul Haq PTI. There have been reports of raids on party offices, arrests of local leaders and disruption of PTI's rallies. Such measures are designed to curb party organization and frighten its adherents.The series of developments were being watched closely by the international community. 
Fears of democracy in PakistanThe rise is seen as part of a wider crackdown on freedom by human rights groups and allies who have recently voiced concerns about an increasing political repression. The government on the other hand defends its position saying that these are measures law and order, to prevent a possible destabilization in an country where there is not peace for 40 years.
The PTI, to its credit and some might argue detriment, has stood defiant in this political storm. 
And Imran Khan has promised to fight on, sweeping his followers with assurances that a new era of accountability and transparency is about to dawn.The endurance of the party and a government campaign to eradicate its power have raised expectations that Chinese politics are headed toward renewal in an epic struggle.
The unfolding events will soon tell us much about the trajectory of PTI and larger democratic scene in Pakistan The government's attempt to 'bury resurrected' PTI is not only a political ploy but it actually referred as strength and independence of democracy in Pakistan.

July 17, 2024

HRCP has demanded the government to lift a ban on PTI

 The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) has demanded the government to lift a ban on PTI,

saying it is against democratic norms and rules. In the meantime, Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP), a top independent human rights body has expressed alarm at what would be involved for such kind of blanket ban to political pluralism and basic freedoms in Pakistan.The ban on PTI by the government, in view of national security implications and invoking allegations that it was spreading violence within the country has opened a debate inside Pakistan.

In the eyes of some detractors, this move amidst a global health crisis not only erodes the Pakistani democracy as we know it but also opens doors for potential overreaches by governments to come. Political diversity is a sine qua non of democracy, and measures that curtail it only serve to weiter weaken the country´s already beleaguered democratic institutions.HRCP chairperson Hina Jilani said, 'This is not just a political ban on PTI this a human rights issue.

The Constitution of Pakistan mandates for the right to association and participation in public affairs within its text, as do several international human rights treaties that it is a party to." It must be proportionate, necessary and lawful - tests that Ms Neil said the current ban fails.The perspective adopted by the HRCP is based on principles of free political participation and expression should be protected, as such sentiments are necessary for keeping a democracy alive. If the government crimps PTI, it will burn yet another significant portion of its base which is poised to evolve into a source of increasing political instability and social disorder.The HRCP further warned that such moves could seriously dent public trust in democratic processes. 

So if political parties are prohibited from taking part in the system or excluded to operate within their political support, it might leave some of these supporters feeling cheated and consequentially pushes people apart adding more problem to a divided society. The commission called upon the government to enter a dialogue with PTI and other political forces on the matter of core-crisis areas as opposed to taking steps that would ban popular movement.

Many International Human Rights Organisations also supported by requesting the government of Pakistan to follow its guiding principles in regards to human rights and democratic conditions. They say the banning of political parties ridgeways would simply mirror a tactic used by authoritarian regimes and not their own democratic country.

In short, the argument advanced by this isnogooder of banning PTI is a pointer to protecting political freedoms and preservation of constitutionalism in Pakistan. It is a solem reminder that to be governed democratically, diverse political voices must peacefully co-exist and compete within the boundaries of law. The government is strongly advised to review its policy and come up with more constructive ways of dealing with political dissent that will not only contribute in a way or two, strengthening the resolve of Pakistan towards democracy & human rights.

July 16, 2024

Omar Ayub statement about PTI Tickets

Omar Ayub said Punjab officials were carrying out pressure tactics against PTI.

ISLAMABAD : Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Omar Ayub Thursday accusing Punjab government officials of resorting to pressure tactics for hampering political activities had leveled serious charges against them. The allegations have surfaced at a critical time when PTI is struggling to maintain its political grip on the province.

The most vocal and politically sound Ayub alleged that Punjab authorities were trying to destabilise PTI "in every possible way" by reaching out even in its rank and file. Ayub said these tactics included harassment, undue legal pressures and administration obstacles to disturb the organizational framework of PTI among its ranks and discourage it from any political engagements.

Ayub claimed that PTI members were being harassed in a certain number of cases by local authorities and cited specifics during the press conference. He mentioned the names of incidents where PTI workers were picked us illegally and party's routine business was also hampered through sudden administrative orders. "This is nothing but the open attempt to choke our political vibes & Threaten supporters," added Ayub.

Ayub further said these pressure tactics not only hinder the PTI's doors-to-doors campaigns at local level but also malign its reputation in front of masses. He had also raised apprehensions that these actions are aimed at diminishing the PTI’s standing as general elections loom near. "Elegant lead their Members will never been subjected to such level of threats and intimidation in Democratic system. It's plain as day that a systematic campaign is in process to undermine the legitimacy of our own presidential bid, and lower prospects for election," Ayub said.

He demanded that these practices should be stopped immediately and the federal government must take serious notice of this. He urged that the case of Punjab officials be investigated impartially, saying there was a need for level-playing field in politics of power are the lifeblood of democracy Fair competition and both strategy. The statement issued also reads, Maj Ayub said, an attempt to denigrate these principles are in fact a direct assault on the democratic system.

The allegations have deepened the mounting political acrimony in Punjab, a crucial province where three of Pakistan's biggest parties are locking horns. Omar Ayub's allegations also point at the rapidly toxic political environment in KPK and how hard PTI shall find it as momentous change creeps from Punjab to Shawal, perhaps.

These subsequent developments will have to be seen in conjunction with the strategy of PTI and affect political dynamics within Punjab, however, they serve a precursor for heated politics yet again.